The Miracle of Sprouts! Spouts are their very own class of foods. Think about all the different foods you eat: seeds, nuts (really these are a form of a seed or kernel). Fruits and vegetables (like a fruit in terms of harvest). Roots, shoots, and sprouts. Seeds contain all the potential energy to grow a plant or a tree. Imagien all the potential! But some of that energy is locked up in codes and need things like sunshine, water, and minerals to grow that potential. Sprout are seeds freshly unwound into a magical jam packed nutritious experience. Sprouts are easy and fun to grow and allow you to maximize your nutrient potential.
Author: Medicinal Diet
- Pure water
- Sprouting seeds: Alfalfa, Radish, Red clover, Mung bean, Pea, Broccoli, Kale
- Get a ½ gallon size mason jar.
- Put ¼ cup of sprouting seeds.
- Fill jar with water a quarter of the way up.
- Cover top with a thin cloth.
- Let seeds soak overnight.
- Pour off the water and let seeds sit.
- Roll jar around to stick seeds to sides of jar.
- Lay jar on side and store in a 70-80 degrees area, with access to air.
- Rinse seeds in the morning, Rinse seeds in the evening.
- Run water into the jar, allow the water to over flow, swirl the seeds, pour the water out and repeat.
- Lay jar on the side and let sit again.
- Repeat until seeds sprout (5-6 days).
- When sprouted, take sprouts out of the jar, spread them out on a tray and put in the sunshine for a few minutes to dry out.
- Eat!
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